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Drive to the port or book flights?

So we are going on a cruise in July and we were having a discussion on if we should drive to the port or try to book flights. We are about 12 hours from this particular port if we drive. I started looking at flights several months ago and they stayed about the same price. The cheapest flights were on a budget airline (which we were fine with) but we had to account for the cost of picking seats and paying for bags. 

Driving to Your Cruise Port

Advantages -Budget Friendly

  1. Cost Savings:
    • No airfare: You save on potentially expensive flight tickets.
    • No baggage fees: You can bring as much luggage as your vehicle can carry without extra costs.
  2. Flexibility:
    • Schedule: You can leave and arrive on your own schedule without worrying about flight times.
    • Stops: You have the option to stop along the way for meals, sightseeing, or rest.
  3. Comfort:
    • Control: You control the environment in your car, making it more comfortable and personal.
    • No security lines: Avoid the hassle of airport security and TSA checks.
  4. Direct Route:
    • No connections: Direct travel without the need to change planes or deal with layovers.

Disadvantages -Extra Night in a hotel

  1. Time Consumption:
    • Long Travel Time: Driving can take significantly longer than flying, especially for long distances.
  2. Fatigue:
    • Driver Fatigue: Long drives can be tiring and stressful for the driver.
    • Potential for Road Delays: Traffic, road construction, and other delays can extend travel time.
  3. Parking Costs:
    • Long-term Parking: Costs can add up if the cruise is extended, though it might still be cheaper than flights.
  4. Car Maintenance:
    • Wear and Tear: Long drives put extra mileage and wear on your vehicle.
    • Breakdowns: There’s always a risk of car trouble, which could jeopardize your trip.

When budgeting you need to account for all of your extra cost.I figured gas for the trip would be about $350. Either way we planned to get to the port city the day before so a hotel stay of about $250 needed to be accounted for. If we were going to drive we would most likely break up the drive and do about 6 hours per day. So we would need to add another hotel night of about $175 to the budget plus an extra day of meals $130. We would be able to bring snacks and hopefully stay at a hotel that had free breakfast. Then we would account for the same for the drive home after the cruise. The other thing we needed to account for was parking at the cruise terminal was going to be about $85. 

Budget for Driving:

Gas – $350

Hotels – $600

Extra Food – $260

Parking – $85

Total: $1295

Flying to Your Cruise Port 

Advantages -Time Friendly

  1. Speed:
    • Quick Travel: Flying is typically much faster, allowing you to cover long distances in a matter of hours.
  2. Convenience:
    • Less Physical Stress: No need to drive for hours, reducing fatigue and stress.
    • Rested Arrival: You can arrive at your destination more rested and ready to enjoy your cruise.
  3. No Wear on Vehicle:
    • No Car Wear: Your vehicle stays at home, avoiding any additional wear and tear.
  4. Potential for Deals:
    • Flight Deals: Sometimes, you can find cheap flights, especially if you book in advance or find last-minute deals.

Disadvantages -Still have to get to hotel rent a car or Uber/Lift

  1. Cost:
    • Airfare: Can be expensive, especially for last-minute bookings or during peak travel times.
    • Baggage Fees: Airlines often charge extra for checked bags, which can add up.
  2. Limited Flexibility:
    • Fixed Schedule: You’re bound to the airline’s schedule and must plan around flight times.
    • Delays and Cancellations: Flights can be delayed or canceled, causing potential disruptions to your travel plans. We always plan to get to the port city at least a day in advance. 
  3. Airport Hassles:
    • Security Checks: You have to go through TSA security, which can be time-consuming and stressful.
    • Early Arrivals: Needing to arrive at the airport hours before your flight.
  4. Ground Transportation:
    • Transfers: You’ll need to arrange transportation from the airport to the cruise port, adding time and cost.

If we decided to fly there was a direct flight that would get us to the port city the day before. I found a flight that would be about $1400 for the 5 of us. The flight home would have to be the next day because there was not time that would work well the day we got back. This would also mean some extra money for food. We would have had to take an Uber/Lift to the hotel and back to the airport. 

Budget for Flying

Flights – $1400

Hotel – $500

Extra Food – $130

Uber/Lift – $200

Total: $2230


At the end of all the debate, which one would you choose? This time we choose to be more budget conscious and drive. Do what you feel most comfortable with. There are plenty of times where my time savings would be worth the extra money. 

  • Drive if: You want to save money on airfare, enjoy the flexibility of your own schedule, and are comfortable with a potentially longer travel time.
  • Fly if: You want to save time, avoid the fatigue of long drives, and are willing to pay more for the convenience and speed of air travel.